I cringed as I waited for my name to be called. I knew that if I sat there and listened to any more of the negative self-talk and how these two have convinced themselves that life is doom and gloom once you hit a certain age, I was going to say something I would regret.
At the gym, clients know that if I hear this kind of talk, I will most likely deliver my "We become what we think about most" speech and how negativity will lead us down the path of self-fulfilling prophecies.
"Oh, please call my name soon," I thought to myself as my heart started to beat a little faster, and my face felt hot. To keep me from opening up my mouth, I kept my head down in my magazine, trying to mind my own business, and wait for my name to be called. I was hoping they would change the subject, but they went on about how difficult life is at their age and that their bodies are no longer the same.
"It doesn't have to be that way!" This time, the thoughts did not stay in my head but escaped from my lips. "I know lots of people your age who feel great." "It's all about lifestyle choices."
There...I said it...it was a weak moment for me. I want everyone to feel their best and live a long, healthy, active, and pain-free life (physically and emotionally). I'm just living by my Major, Definite, Purpose, that I wrote in 2010 (see above).
"Oh, please call my name soon," I thought to myself as my heart started to beat a little faster, and my face felt hot. To keep me from opening up my mouth, I kept my head down in my magazine, trying to mind my own business, and wait for my name to be called. I was hoping they would change the subject, but they went on about how difficult life is at their age and that their bodies are no longer the same.
"It doesn't have to be that way!" This time, the thoughts did not stay in my head but escaped from my lips. "I know lots of people your age who feel great." "It's all about lifestyle choices."
There...I said it...it was a weak moment for me. I want everyone to feel their best and live a long, healthy, active, and pain-free life (physically and emotionally). I'm just living by my Major, Definite, Purpose, that I wrote in 2010 (see above).
Here's the point...
If we think about how life is all downhill once we reach a certain age, that's precisely what we will get - a tired, achy, blah existence. If we think about how beautifully we were created and choose nutritionally dense foods to nourish our healthy, perfectly made bodies, we will get more of that! If we treat our bodies by moving more with exercise, getting enough sleep, and living a healthy lifestyle, our bodies will thank us.
Let's strive for progress, not perfection. Here are some ideas:
- Eat or drink your greens. Get the good stuff at your local farm (Like Dreyer Farms) or find a local farmers market. The fresh stuff always tastes better. Check out our Pinterest nutrition board for inspiration. https://www.pinterest.com/activelifefitness/nutrition/
- Find a park and walk - move that body!
- SLEEP...so important!
- Cut down or cut out sugar, alcohol, and all processed foods.
- Google "portion sizes" to get a better idea of how much food you should be consuming.
- Get involved in a strength training program.
Dedicated to Your Success,
Kim Musikant
Active Life Fitness Personal Trainers and Gym
94 North Avenue
Garwood, NJ 07027
(908) 389-8009