How I Met My Mentor

My desire to help others become strong and fit started as a member of The Westfield Area Y. I wanted other people to experience what had happened to me - my body becoming fitter was helping my mind become stronger and my self-confidence to soar. The Y also gave me a sense of belonging. I loved the people there, and I felt valued. 

As I became more comfortable in the classes and the weight room, I got to know the Fitness Director, Jean White, pictured here. A petite woman with a huge heart and an even bigger smile. She saw something in me and encouraged me to get certified. I laughed it off but did enjoy the attention - I was flattered. 

The laughing turned into kicking and screaming when I realized that my desire to be in the fitness world was stronger than my fear of getting up in front of a crowd (hence the kicking and screaming). I had to do this - not for her, but for me. Jean planted a seed in my heart that grew and pulled me straight into the world of fitness.  

Months passed by before I had the courage to take my first fitness certification class. When certified, I practiced with neighbors, friends, family, and whatever warm body I could find. I remember holding a free pilates class in my basement for my neighbors. I was finally ready to teach my first class - or so I thought. 

I remember being curled up in a fetal position filled with anxiety two hours before my first scheduled pilates class was going to begin. I kept thinking of different excuses to tell Jean why I could not come in. Nothing sounded good car broke down - nope, I was within walking distance to the Y. My kid was sick? Not that either - bad Karma, I thought. 

I got off the couch, drove to the Y, and taught my first class. Taking that leap of faith brought me from fitness instructor to personal trainer to gym owner. All because somebody believed in me more than I believed in myself. I would not be where I am today without Jean. 

Our words are powerful. Our words can crush someone, or they can lift someone up. Jean lifted me higher than I thought was possible. She did that through her words of encouragement. I'm not saying we all have to get out there with major acts of mentorship to change someone's life. However, we all have the power to give someone a smile or a kind word that could make a difference in their day. 

A couple of years ago, Jean walked into our gym. I literally picked her up and swung her around in a circle (I told you she was petite). We laughed and talked about old times. She told me how proud she was of me. I told her that it all started with her.  

Thank you, my dear friend, for making such a difference in my life! 

Do you have any mentor stories to share? Or, a story about how someone brightened your day, or you, theirs? Please leave it in the comments below. 

Kim Musikant

Active Life Fitness 

94 North Avenue

Garwood, NJ 07027
