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Showing posts from January, 2017

2017 Goals

One of my goals this year is to become a master of time management. I have always used my google calendar pretty efficiently but not as well as I could. I was inconsistent with the reminder alerts, so my mornings went something like this: While still in my PJ's, I would take out my laptop and get to work. I am more creative in the morning, so that's when I get most of my writing done. While absorbed in a project, thinking that I am very productive, distractions would creep in. Maybe it was an email that led to a video that brought me to an advertisement for a tropical island vacation. Then possibly a day-dream of me on the beach ordering an umbrella drink. I look at the clock and realize how late it is, and frantically get ready for work. That story is somewhat embellished to get my point across, but distractions are a thing of the past for me (at least, on paper)! I am committed to being more in control of my mornings and my day! I will accomplish this by only checking

That Was Then, This Is Now

About seven years ago, I was at a party where the hostess was telling what she thought was a funny story about me in front of many people. Her story was the day she witnessed me in my car, screaming and carrying on while stuck in a line of traffic. Time stood still for me as she repeated the story numerous times, giving more details each time as she laughed louder and louder. As I stood there, uncomfortable and embarrassed, many thoughts went through my head: should I defend myself and explain to her how difficult my life was? Should I tell her that I didn't want to be late for my client and be unprofessional because of my excellent work ethic? Should I just laugh along with her and take it in stride? Maybe, I should deny that it was even me! I did none of the above, but instead, I stood there feeling self-conscious and vulnerable. She did not know that I was a sleep-deprived and depressed single mother trying to make ends meat. Although I was divorced for a few years, my ex-hus