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Showing posts from August, 2018

Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

Before an airplane takes off, during the safety instructions, the flight attendant will explain that if the cabin loses pressure, the oxygen masks will automatically drop down. Why do they always insist that you put yours on first before you place one on your child? Because if you are passed out, you will be useless to those who depend on you! In my post,  Are You Taking Care of You?  I wrote about how sometimes the love for our families and devotion to them gets in the way of taking the time to love ourselves too. I mentioned how we often sacrifice our own needs for the needs of those we love. So put your oxygen mask on first! Do not become  unconscious about your health. Here are two truths: Without our health, we have nothing. Time is precious. Yet, time is often the missing link between living a somewhat healthy lifestyle and living a lifestyle that makes a difference in our long-term health. Have you ever heard yourself say any of the following statements? I d